The Entrepreneur’s 15
The Entrepreneur is a forward thinker. It is that creative part of you that is constantly planning for change and growth and innovation. It’s also the only person who can make sure your business is still relevant and competitive in 5 years.
Of all the tasks we do for our business each day, long-term planning is the one that feels least urgent. When finance and customer service and marketing and technology and sales and maintenance are all screaming for attention, they get it. We focus on the most pressing issues at hand.
Planning for the future will rarely feel urgent. It will not stop all work and demand attention. It will not leave an angry voicemail. It will not send an outrageous invoice. It is, however, one of the most important tasks that a business owner can do. It’s what makes us “entrepreneurs” rather than office managers. It is our path to strategic growth.
Whether you have naturally stronger visionary skills or management skills, you can use systems, tools, coaching, and practice can help you improve all of your business skills.
The Entrepreneur’s 15 is my challenge to you. A way to ensure that you are moving forward with intention rather than relying on simple inertia.
My Challenge To You:
Spend at least 15 minutes each day working ON your business rather and IN it. Put down your phone, close your computer, shut the door, put your feet on your desk, or even go for a walk. Think about where you want to be in 1-5 years. What will your customers want and need? Will there be new customers you could serve? Are there new products or services that need to be developed? Are the things that you are working on this week moving you closer to your goals? If not, why not?
When you are done, re-check your “TO DO” list and see if you need to make any changes.
Try it for a week and see what happens. We hope you will to share some of your experiences below.
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